When You are ready to dominate your life... This is where you come!



Co-Founder & CEO

I have been coaching athletes in both mindset and fitness since 2005. My transformation was far more than physical. The physical part was a big thing but the mental aspect is more of what got me HOOKED!

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I got my start in the fitness industry back in 2008 after undergoing my own major weight loss transformation and seeing what it did for me. I knew I wanted to help others to have the same experience that I had bc of how it changed my life.

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Bring us the everyday athletes, the ones waking up before the sun to get that lift in before the office, the ones training on a lunch break to get it done. The ones who are putting in the time on the mats after a long days work because there is no other way to get it done. Bring us the everyday athlete willing to grind, and together we will become THE ELITE

Forged In The Fire

In life we are encountered by trials and hardships. Those trials allow us to be forged into our greatest selves. IF, we choose to embrace them. 


WE choose the life WE live every day. WE refuse to be a victim of our circumstances or the hand life has dealt us. WE choose our paths and own whatever comes with it. WE go to war with ourselves everyday and strive to become the greatest version of ourselves

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The concept of building strength and muscle while still being able to use that muscle in a practical setting for performance both day to day and in an athletic setting is a huge priority because it’s what we look for with my own physiques.

We want to make sure our athletes have the ability to look muscular and strong while being as strong and athletic as they look. Peak Performance designed strategically through proper periodized programming and attention to detail for our "competitive" and "everyday athletes" is the primary goal of what we do!

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Personally Charlene and I prefer the concept of “fat loss” to “weight loss” because let’s face it while on some level yes we may care what we weigh the larger part of us looks more toward how we look and feel, how our clothes fit or are we comfortable in our own skin.

So rather than just losing a lot of weight we want to work with our athletes on creating or maintaining lean and defined muscle tissue while losing the excess body fat that no does not serve us.

Essentially we want to burn that fat while fueling the muscle. Nutrition plays a large role in that so we want to be able to work our athletes on building an effective training and eating lifestyle that works for them.

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For many of us there are so many misconceptions about the “best diet out there” the reality of it is diets tend to be more short term nutrition is a lifestyle and that’s what we want to do is build an effective and efficient lifestyle that supports your individual goals and have fun while doing it.

Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or just looking for the best way to make nutrition work for you we work with dietitians to deliver nutritional planning that works for you and what you want to accomplish.

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The concept of building strength and muscle while still being able to use that muscle in a practical setting for performance both day to day and in an athletic setting is a huge priority because it’s what we look for with my own physiques.

We want to make sure our athletes have the ability to look muscular and strong while being as strong and athletic as they look. Peak Performance designed strategically through proper periodized programming and attention to detail for our "competitive" and "everyday athletes" is the primary goal of what we do!

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Personally Charlene and I prefer the concept of “fat loss” to “weight loss” because let’s face it while on some level yes we may care what we weigh the larger part of us looks more toward how we look and feel, how our clothes fit or are we comfortable in our own skin.

So rather than just losing a lot of weight we want to work with our athletes on creating or maintaining lean and defined muscle tissue while losing the excess body fat that no does not serve us.

Essentially we want to burn that fat while fueling the muscle. Nutrition plays a large role in that so we want to be able to work our athletes on building an effective training and eating lifestyle that works for them.

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For many of us there are so many misconceptions about the “best diet out there” the reality of it is diets tend to be more short term nutrition is a lifestyle and that’s what we want to do is build an effective and efficient lifestyle that supports your individual goals and have fun while doing it. Whether you are vegan, vegetarian, paleo, or just looking for the best way to make nutrition work for you we work with dietitians to deliver nutritional planning that works for you and what you want to accomplish.

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Customized Workouts

This program will contain customized workouts that are set up after an initial consultation call so that I can get to know you and your needs better. Once workouts are set up I will make changes to the exercises every 4 weeks as we go, depending on your progress. The variation will serve to keep you engaged as well as allow you to expand your knowledge on exercise and development.

Monthly Check-ins

Check-ins and progress updates will be done in the program every month. The check-ins are pictures along with weight. You may optionally add body fat and circumference measurements.

Supplement Suggestions

I will also provide supplement suggestions based not only on your goals, but also on the program needs. There may be certain supplements that the program will call for based on the demands on the workout.

Elite Mindset Program

As an added bonus you will be added into my Elite Mindset program, where I will be sending information on strategies to adapt your mindset in order to achieve maximum results over the evolution of your program.

Nutritional Counseling

Your program will also contain custom nutritional counseling plan based on your needs and wants. We will have the option to utilize great recipes and items to suit your nutritional needs, preferences, cooking style and budget. Within the nutritional counseling protocol you will be logging your food and I will be viewing and checking in with you based on our guidelines for your program.


Now's the time!

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Helping athletes from all walks of life

develop an iron will while evolving into the greatest version of themselves in mind, body and spirit.

"Not only has Dean helped me to get back to my pre-pregnancy body but I am actually healthier and in better shape than before my pregnancy. Dean is not just my trainer. He has become a friend and like part of my family."

Heather Green

"I started training with Dean Romero about 8 years ago, and he has completely changed my life. He taught me so much about fitness and nutrition, and how to combine the two together."

George Youssef

"The bottom line is I'm getting results --- muscle tone and definition. As a nice little bonus, when I'm out of town Dean gives me a workout plan or exercises I can do on my own. And he regularly monitors my diet through MyFitnessPal and gives me much needed advice."

Ann Fisher

Your Personal App


A customized nutrition plan to suit your goals, taste, budget and cooking style.

Workout Plan

A comprehensive plan to take your physical dominance to the next level based on your current fitness level and available equipment.

Track Your Progress

I will be following your weekly progress as you go. You will be able to track 24/7 and I will make the needed adjustments in order to keep your progress flowing.

Chat With Me Directly

You will have access to communicate with me regularly directly through the app. I will be there to respond, guide and motivate you along your journey as we go together towards your goals.

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